
Monday, November 10, 2014

Fish Out of Water

This last weekend, I drove 4 hours down to Milwaukee for a Physical Therapy course on shoulders and knees.  I stayed at a nice hotel for a good price.  A king sized bed, a large couch, bathroom and walk-in closet were all mine to enjoy all by myself.  I had an absolutely quiet night in the hotel.  No squishy, stinky diapered child bouncing on my head yelling "UPPEEDOOO!!!" at 6:45am or "HOOONEY! RELEASE ME! at 2am.  Instead, a white fluffy comforter enveloping me in quiet, uninterrupted sleep.

For 2 days, my brain tried to sponge as much information as possible from the class -- 284 pages and 15 hours later, I might just know all there is to know about MLB players and shoulder injuries, or maybe not.  I'm not working as a PTA right now but want to keep my license up just in case I need or want to go back to work, so I'm required by the state to fulfill a certain amount of hours every 2 years.  I wasn't sure how to switch gears.  I had no current orthopedic patients to go home and practice on.  The last 2 years of my life have left me rather emotionally depleted, so I didn't have much to offer as far as making new friends or contacts.  In some ways the class was exhilarating, something different from the regular day to day pace lately, but empty in other ways.  I was filling my brain with things that I wouldn't be using in the near future, at least as far as I know.

While gone, I was able to facebook message David a few times.  It felt really awesome to get messages from him.  It was like old times, getting that little flutter of excitement in my stomach when I'd get a text or email.  I've been missing that a lot.  Since I'm with him 24-7, I never get to have the "absence-makes-the-heart-grow-fonder" moments.

When I got home, I got snuggles and a back rub from my honey and a bouncing, redhead shouting excitedly in the morning, "MaMA MaMA!!" and extra loves.  Taking care of these two is my life and I love it.  This is home, this is where I fit.


  1. Really like how you lay out the adventure of your life. It may not be "normal", but it is good. God is good!

  2. I am glad that things were able to fall into place so quickly for this class to work. You may not use the info you learned any time soon, or even ever, but it sounds like it was an important weekend for a lot of other reasons. "This is home, this is where I fit" is the best conclusion. :)

  3. Love the blog, continue to pray in Palo!

  4. I have been following your family's story since the beginning and it is always so encouraging to read your updates; thank you for your commitment to writing all of these posts. My prayers continue to be with you and your family
