"For we have great joy and consolation in your love, because the hearts of the saints have been refreshed by you, brother." Philemon 1:7
I think my last blog post may have come across as a pity party to some or a unappreciative commentary on lack of support. Neither were my intention.
We are so thankful for those (especially family) that do support us in visiting us, babysitting Jocelyn, staying with David so I can take a vacation, financial support, kind gifts, thoughtful cards, and prayer intercession. The abyss I feel in my heart can only be filled with David and Christ and no amount of support and love from others will fully alleviate that. I also have been called upon to make huge transitions in the last 3 years and it will just take time to move on. Every gift of love and time to us is greatly appreciated, far more than you can imagine. The smallest things mean so much, because living this life makes us value life, sacrifice and time out of your day more than ever before.
I write from my heart and I speak the truth. And the truth about living with a loved one with a brain injury isn't always pretty. The media is a far cry from the truth. You don't just wake up after a coma and everything is dandy. There a major repercussions from an injury like this for the survivor and caregiver/family alike, no matter how "mild" the brain injury is.
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